Photo gallery
Quick links

This page provides a list of various photo galleries and collections related to the history of the Jewish community in Bodzentyn. The quick links to the other websites will open in a new window.
Read an article about Józef Szermentowski (1833–1876), a famous Polish painter from Bodzentyn and see his works

Żwirki plaza, Lower Market with the well in the foreground (1925–1945).
View more photos of Bodzentyn at
Alternative link to view more photos of Bodzentyn at

Yad Vashem | Index Photos Bodzentyn (Intentionally blurred screenshot.)
Centropa | Photos by Jakub Bromberg, Bodzentyn (Intentionally blurred screenshot.)
Centropa | Photos by Chaim Ejnesman, Bodzentyn (Intentionally blurred screenshot.)

(Intentionally blurred screenshot.)
Extra resources: Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre | Biography of Shoshana Ejnesman, daughter of Shlomo Ejnesman of Bodzentyn
Extra resources: Introduction to the book Remembering survival: inside a Nazi slave-labor camp (2010) by Christopher R. Browning. The book draws on the testimony of survivors of the Holocaust-era Starachowice-Wierzbnik (close to Bodzentyn) slave-labour camps to examine the Jewish prisoners' fight for survival through a succession of brutal Nazi camp regimes. | The book can be found in English | and in Polish Pamiec przetrwania Nazistowski obóz pracy oczami wiezniów
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