Enter a name or phrase and click to start the search.
Note the various spellings of names
Please note that Yiddish names are written in the Hebrew alphabet and transliterated into Latin spelling in various ways. You will find some alternative spellings in the list below. The spelling we use more frequently at the Site is marked in bold. However, when you search the Site and other sites you may want to try different spellings in order not to miss any information. Also, note that this is not a complete list of the names mentioned at the Site.
Appelbaum, Apelbaum, Apelbojm
Baumal, Bajmajl
Binshtok, Binensztok
Birenbojm, Birenbijm
Borenstein, Borensztajn
Cukierman, Cukerman, Zukerman
Ejnesman, Ajnesman, Einesman, Enesman.
Fish, Fisch, Fisz
Grosman, Grossman
Safir, Szafir, Shafer, Shaffer, Shafir
Silberstain, Sylberstein
Szachter, Schachter
Sztarkman, Starkman, Ztarkman
Szwarc, Schwartz, Shwartz
Weisman, Wajzman
See a list of common surnames of the Jewish community in Bodzentyn
JRI-Poland’s list of surnames is a compilation of family names appearing one or more times in the vital records of Bodzentyn. All variations in the spelling, as the town registrar wrote them in the civil records, have been included. Open the list in a new window