"Dawidek Rubinowicz: An Unforgettable Diary – Discussion in Bodzentyn"

Dr Tomasz Domański from the Historical Research Department of the Institute of National Remembrance in Kielce talked about Dawid Rubinowicz' Diary as a "monument" that can not be forgotten or overseen. The meeting took place on September 16, 2022, in the Czernikiewiczów Farm in Bodzentyn (Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship).

The topic of the discussion panel was the extermination of Jews during the Second World War. One of the essential memorials from the Kielce district is the Diary of Dawid Rubinowicz. The meeting was organized by the Society of the Friends of Bodzentyn, the "Monument-Mausoleum" Foundation in Michniów and the Museum of the Kielce Countryside, the Mausoleum of the Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów.

The video (in Polish) and photos in the links below show some glimpses of the event.

Sources: E-Bodzentyn and Facebook of Ewa Kolomansk.

Read also (in Polish): https://krakow.ipn.gov.pl/pl4/aktualnosci/170369,Dyskusja-Dawidek-Rubinowicz-pamietnik-niezapomniany-w-Bodzentynie.html